Friday, October 24, 2014

Low Latent Inhibition - Great or Nah?

Brain dump -

Do you have LLI (Low Latent Inhibition)? This is a very unique mental and personality issue it seems by online research. Its also hard to diagnose according to many psycho-therapists. Is it possible that ADD, ADHD, Autism, even photogenic memory is actually this? Any articles show that with this issue, there is a fine line between "slow" and "genius". Not sure what I would be as I have most of the aspects listed below... in fact, all but one: no verbalization. I tend to over explain because I don't think the person is understanding my thoughts. I also found an article stating that this "issue" can set the stage for schizophrenia - not really good new for me, especially considering I'm a Gemini as it is.

I find it very interesting because I know some people written off as day dreamers, tunnel vision or impatient/rude/condescending. Is it possible that this person PERCEIVES and PROCESSES differently so it becomes hard to connect to their peers' general wavelengths? Assuming that is true, being in any non-casual relationship would be hard for the person....unless they found an exact match. This type can adapt quickly but I'm assuming it is when what needs adapting make sense using THEIR PROCESS/PERCEPTION (value and logic).

I was told in my annual performance and team review that I had a "low intolerance for incompetence". I would think to myself: I know I don't think I'm better (most of the time) and I know some people just don't know better. Therefore why was I so tough as times? I know now....I cant stand people that say "I don't know". Why? Because I already know the answer or know how to get the answer so I CAN'T understand, or relate to someone that needs spoon feeding. It beyond me how someone can't critically think through what I perceive to be simple information. Worst, I cant understand how people process experience/sight/sense/information heard, casually. For example, people whose ears hear, but aren't listening to understand. Or eating without really tasting. Doing what they are told, without knowing why, for what purpose, or what it contributes to. Its like being alive without living.

Have you ever been stuck in traffic and in the quiet of your mind imagine what you would do civil-engineering and transportation design wise to fix it?
Do people come to you for ideas, problem solving and clarity?
Do you find yourself sometimes more involved with others than with yourself?
Do you watch the news, or meet new people asking yourself alot of "whys and how comes" then come up with pros and cons for both sides within minutes?
Do you find yourself blocking out the world, not blinking and processing a bunch of variables to something that has caught your attention? Kind of like playing chess in your mind - playing both sides?
Sometimes what catches your thoughts is completely relevant to you and your life but you just can stop until you figure it out..
Do you find yourself interrupting others all the time BUT its because you understand and you want them to move along? finishing others sentences, even when you just met them?

Then you may have LLI.

(list below copied and pasted from


You notice more, hear more, smell more and feel more through tactile contact. Without any conscious effort, your mind is in possession of a broader intake of information.
Upon encountering any form of stimulus (that interests you), your mind automatically dismantles and explores its components.
You usually see through the lies and the deceptions that people use in everyday life. If you’ve watched the show Lie to Me, they would call you a “natural”.
When learning, you can often make instantaneous changes. Adaptation is easy.
Self-correction is easy because the underlying principle is more evident. Clearer.
You make connections and associations between seemingly unrelated material.
- Comprehension is typically easy. You notice the non-verbal background information and this often provides a more comprehensive picture than what is being spoken.
There are exponential leaps of insight taking place all the time, with the background reasoning intact. Wave-upon-wave of permutations, options, variables and choices.
Creativity is a given. You see alternatives.
You notice things that other people miss
Leaps of logic are common. Instead of progressing A,B,C,D and onward, you skip from A to N to Z, accurately.
There is no talking voice in your head. No ‘chattering monkey’. The volume and complexity of the information at times drowns out conscious thought entirely.
You see the world more thoroughly.
Learning is not limited to defined periods of academic study. The assimilation of information is constant, ongoing and never static. There are no lulls or pauses. Everything offers a lesson.
- Within the maelstrom of information there exists a place of calm and quietude. The eye of the storm. No verbalization exists. No internal narrative. Just presence. No sense of self to intrude of interrupt.


- Education is awkward. Schools are not set-up to cater with this condition. The way in which things are approached by schools seems piecemeal and incomplete.
Listening to other people talking/thinking aloud can be infuriating. They are at point A when you have reached point N or Z already.
- It is difficult to write/type/speak quickly enough to articulate ideas and the breadth of the permutations involved. Verbalizing what takes place in your mind is impossible. Words render only a fraction of the entirety.
Tact is necessary since people lie constantly.
- LLI makes driving a car difficult. Your brain notices countless dangers and variables, and you become overwhelmed and nervous. You are either a terrible driver, or an incredibly good one.
- Hyper-vigilance can lead to anxietyand sometimes OCD-like tendencies.
Illusions are not very effective. You see through things without wanting to. Conventions and traditions have no significance.
You do not value what other people value, and often feel truly unique/alone.
- Filtering out the variables and honing your options to something workable can be very difficult.Every solution potentially harbors new problems, new variables and new concerns.
People may find you to be a little odd, unorthodox or a little intense.
You have a habit of saying things that do not fit the accepted norm of behavior. You often choose to disregard conventions because they serve no constructive purpose.
Background noise is a major problem. Noisy neighbors can cause serious stress.