It's Valentine's Day and where I am, my internet keeps coming on and off so I'm going to have to make this post as short as possible in order to actually have a post at all. Promises are promises, so I've got to give you something...
How the blog is broken up: an individual's appeal starts with first impression then moves to personality/body language.
DISCLAIMER (reminder): Because there were SO many different things to write about on this subject, I decided to stick to 1 main issue each night of the Valentine's Day week 2011, one for the ladies and 1 for the gents, alternating. Ladies First....
Monday, Valentine's Day
First Impression
- Loose Fit. In choosing this subject, I had to put myself in the position of sitting at a table alone and a man walks in. What would be on the top of the turn-off list? Baggy clothes. I know some of you are thinking..."that's hip hop", "only ghetto people dress like that".....WRONG! I call this disease Confused Comfort to Fit disorder CCFD (I love making up my own disorders, LOL). Men suffering from this, tend to purchase clothing that are at least 2 sizes bigger because they feel : a) More comfortable . b) They think they look bigger/more toned. c) They THINK they are hiding a belly, love handles, or their butt. d) They look are hip, cool, and urban e) They are just clueless as too how things are supposed to fit. From boys in the hood to office executives in suits, I've seen this sad situation so I'm going to attempt to briefly address how you can start recovering from this problem with some cues for recognizing the issue and some tips.
- If you look down at your jeans or pants, and have more than 1 "bunch" at the bottom, then your pants are hanging to low or you need to have them shortened
- If your pants from behind resembles what a baby's does with a "loaded" diaper, then your pants are too large.
- If when you put your wallet in your pocket, it hits the lower half of your thigh, your pants are too low.
- If when you put (if you put) a belt on, the waist bunches in the back or the front, your pants are too damn big.
- If you have skinny legs and a little butt, baggy pants make you look even thinner. Besides, dropping those pants in front of a women and revealing twigs would definitely hurt your sexy points.
- If without a belt, half your butt cheeks (if any) show, they are too big!
- If the seam of your shirt's sleeve is hanging past your shoulder, your shirt is huge. It doesn't make you look like you have bigger shoulders. It makes you look like you borrowed your larger friend's shirt. This same rule applies to jackets!
- If when you are wearing a dress shirt, you can still slip your little sister's backpack under it..You guessed it...huge! Side note - if wearing a white shirt, keep it ALL white not creamy in color. PA LEZZZ. Can't tell? hold it next to a white paper napkin from a fast food joint. You'll be clear on what white is supposed to be then. Eww.
- Reality check: Trying to cover a belly by leaving the dress shirt out? Do this...lean back slightly while having your profile face the mirror, if there is no gap between the bottom of your shirt and pants, your belly isn't as big as you thought. TUCK IT IN. A man with a slightly tapered shirt tucked in IS HOT. Women want to see your booty and manly V shaped body even if its not in perfect shape. We think it looks confident, sleek, classy and, not to mention, expensive! A man that exudes success, take pride in how he looks without complicating it. His main objective is fit. THIS IS WHY TAILORS EXIST AND ARE EVERYWHERE!!!!!!!!!!!! If you are not sure if things fit right, take them to a tailor so he hooks you up with hot fit. Don't think you are successful enough for all of this? Then this is a great way to fake it until you make it.
Personality and Body Language
- Grab Life by the Testies. Nothing worst then a man that can't make decisions or needs to be babysat. There is no amount of money, no high position in a large corporation, no Ivy league advanced degree that can make a man seem manly when they can't make decisions or take initiative. THIS IS TOP ON MY TURN OFF LIST. You know those guys: " what do you want to do tonight" every night guys. The "Whatever you are having or want" all of the time guys. The "Its better if we go buy your birthday gift together because I don't want to make a mistake" guy. The "do you have any special dishes not mentioned nor on the menu you can prepare for me (while I starve)" indecisive guy. The "can you help me pick my shirt (6th one)" when we are only going to a basketball game, metro-sexual guy. Most women hate this. With all of the bra, panties, makeup, perfume, hairdo, shoes, dress, ice cream flavors...not to mention combined with hormones..woman have EARNED their right to indecisiveness. Men are supposed to be our rock and lead us when we are just confused. When we can't pick the right jeans, YOU are supposed to say, "you look great in everything. Let's go or we are going to be late". When we can't figure what we want, you are supposed to take the lead and offer suggestions. Remember this guys, IF we ASK YOU a question, we are looking for YOUR answer. Saying what pleases us most of the time, has a very short life span in keeping a woman's respect. We want Superman, Spider-Man, Prince Charming, AND MacGyvor (and my personal old school favorite - Crocodile Dungee). Yes, its almost impossible these days to find all of these in a man..but damn it, give us 1. Sitting on your tail end, waiting for us to guide your plans, what you eat, where you travel to, what you are to wear, among other things, makes you become our son. We can't enjoy making love to a child. Think about it.
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