Many people beleive that sophistication and sex appeal are polar opposites. I don't believe this is true. I think there can be something very sexy about a sophisticated person, that knows how to put themselves together, and "walk the walk".
I started this post by focusing on women but then remembered the several faux pas I've seen men commit so decided to toss them into the mix. Since an individual's appeal starts with first impression then moves to personality/body language, I've sub-divided the gender groups accordingly.
DISCLAIMER: Because there were SO many different things to write about on this subject, I decided to stick to 1 main issue each night of the Valentine's Day week 2011, one for the ladies and 1 for the gents, alternating. Ladies First....
SUNDAY, Valentine's Day eve
First Impression
- Underwear and Body parts. I don't see how some women don't suffocate themselves with their own push up bras. They can be so padded and lifted that the collar bone is barely visible! I understand that a woman's bosom can be the highlight of her look and the jewel of her confidence. Nothing wrong with that! But if this is the direction you are going to go, just remember that before a man (or anyone for that matter) can actually get to the point of listening to what you have to say, its going to be an uphill battle. My suggestion is if you are going to proudly display boobage, go more subtle and covered on the rest. An outfit should not have more then 1 major focal point in order to keep it clean and classy. Make sure the bra is not visible, try to stick to solid colored tops, and go light on the "look! tits here" me, we see 'em...they walked in 2 minutes before did.
pride and joy, go ahead an expose. Just remember that once your in winter
weather, you look like an idiot walking around in a tight mini with no tights and
open-toed shoes. That, my friends, is a disease I call contra-weather irrational
dressing CWID (I just made it up). If weather permits and legs are the key
ingredient for your outing, put bronzer or non-greasy lotion for a nice , glossy even
look. Bruising, lumps, uneven skin tone, and pale gams are not cute so spend
sometime prepping these bad gals. Remember, even though legs, thighs, and crotch
are all connected, doesn't mean you have to expose all three. Test for potential
crotch shots by touching your knees or walking around the sofa a 3 times. If you
have to any panty flash or had to tug on the skirt more than once, then you are
going to look like "one of those". You know which ones...Put some personality in
your style! Wear the mini with a simple tank and a blazer, fitted dress shirt open up
2-3 buttons down (sexy but not too much), or silky tank. Take some cues from
Gossip Girl, Sex in the City, The City, The Hills and some other shows where the
leading ladies are setting fashionable trends. Most of the characters exude sex
appeal without looking trashy. Now if you watch Girls Next Door, Holly's World or
Jersey Shore and like their outfits, then this blog can't help you...there's just a taste
level issue that is way to corrupted. Sorry.
Personality and Body Language
- "What do you do?", "where do you live?", "Nice car", or glancing at the check while he reaches in his wallet to pay. Any of these seem familiar? I've observed these occurrences a thousand times. You THINK he doesn't notice but he does. It's very obvious most of the time. You are sizing him (or her - equal opportunity here) up. What's worst is when this question is within the first few when getting to know someone. These questions and behavior makes it seem like the answers to these questions are the initial most important ones for you. Unless the person refers to their job often (a turn off of mine) or hints of how far they live, why ask? If its conversation topics you don't have, then here are a few suggestions: What you do for fun? jokes. Movies. Great places to eat. The city and how long you guys have been living there. Are you born and raised there? Sports. FIND COMMON GROUND! Try non offensive jokes or not too humiliating stories to establish a connection. Also be careful not to ask anything too personal or forward such as "do you like kids?" Remember this.. when socializing or dating, your biggest asset once conversation starts is HOW YOU MAKE PEOPLE FEEL ABOUT THEMSELVES AND IN YOUR COMPANY. Hanging out with you should be like a mini vacation so keep it light, comfortable just smart and witty. Be patient. You'll get to know everything that you want to know eventually if you want to hang out again. If you don't care to hang out again?...then the answers don't matter anyway
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