Thursday, June 16, 2016

Hate "Love"? The Terror of Understanding

 Rant from an inquiring mind: Hate "love"?
(It's a long read.... But I know I have some awesome readers here)

Why is hate so easily understood and spread but love mystifies. It takes the same passion and energy to do both. Maybe the word love makes people feel weak and vulnerable. Even in personal relationships, one person always wants the upper hand by showing less love or committing less to avoid it. 🤔

What if to not scare control-preferring people, for now....and use the words "hate" and "understand"?  Let's scale back "love". I will give it a try.

I don't hate all white people or Christians because of several mass shootings this year alone (won't even go back to history) was done by a Racist Christian. I understand that not all whites like country music, have sex with cousins, like bland food, want guns and prefer women with no booty.

I'm not going to hate all Muslims (or think all Muslims are sexually confused)  because 1 self hating psychopath shoots up a night club. I understand and also know they aren't all wife beating, hate preaching, anti-Christians that like explosives.  

I'm not going to call all Mexicans criminals because of the drug lord and his goons. I also won't be a hypocrite while I plan trips to Tulum, party on Cinco de Mayo, eat tacos, put salsa on the fridge, hire them for construction work, and forget the wealthiest man in the world is Mexican from legit business. I also won't forget that a percentage of Trump's clothing line is made there.

Not all Hispanics dance and watch Telenovelas all day.
Not all Italians know how to make pizza.
Not all Jews are great at accounting.
Not all Asians are good at math or do martial arts.
Not all Africans live in huts.
Not all Indians own conveniences stores and are vegetarians
Not all gays are men. The gay males don't all dress like women. They aren't all in theater or fashion.

Silly isn't it? Why? Because we are more to open them which makes us understand them better.  We also understand, for example, just because some of the best pizzas are made by Italians and it comes from Italy, doesn't mean they all know how to make it or that any pizza-making Italian can make it well. Right?

Math teachers - correct me if I'm wrong. The above is called an if-then proposition in rational/math studies. Example:  If chickens lays eggs and are birds. Frogs lay eggs. Frogs are birds. That's called "affirming the consequent" which is a FALLACY in LOGIC. To make general assumptions leading to conclusion without acknowledging variables that make them different? Tends to lead to ILLOGICAL / IRRATIONAL conclusions.

I don't want all whites to hate me because of what some low life gang member in Compton says or does against whites and police. Thank you to those that understand.

So for those who like to lump people in one large basket........... I'm NOT a/an:

Ignorant, lazy, classless, cat eating, voodoo priestess, AIDS ridden, promiscuous, pregnant teen, loud music blasting, baby pushing, anti-white, police hating, food stamp using, kool aid drinking, gold teeth wearing, gun carrying, refugee, illiterate, over-sensitive, fatherless angry-black-female with a pre-disposition to violence and begging for hand outs.

Open yourself to making a Muslim, Mexican, Jewish and Black friend as you've done with me. It may shock you that you understand more.

For those that judge people by their names...yes... My name isn't Mary Joe, Suzy Lynn, Becky, Jane or Kathy. But just like you may realize Pauldine may show some understanding ....I am an average human. Average Humans stand erect, breath oxygen with lungs on earth, eat cooked food,  have a heart, feelings, a brain, can think, can rationalize, can read/write/speak, want to be treated with understanding. You are an average human . Jose, Dashaun, and Saud Mohammed have exact same qualities of an average human. Is it possible that Jose, Dashaun and Saud are average humans like you and me? What is the logical answer?

Can't shout "one love" yet? Then, start by understanding ONE.

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