Thursday, February 9, 2012

Vajayjay pampering for Valentine's day - Vajazzling

So..I am still single. It has been a year since I was in a relationship and I must say that I have (and am) enjoying focusing on myself for a change. Nonetheless, Valentine's day has a way to creep its ugly head and give us single women this day to remind us that (a) our dating options suck (b) we are alone. I propose thst V-day give us a (c) option : a day where we do something sexy, out-of-box just for our own enjoyment. What have I uncovered? A little beauty secret called Vajazzling.

Vajazzling is a process that has been grown in popularity especially since Jennifer Love Hewitt found it "realeasing" enough to dedicate a chapter to it in her book! Its a process whereby you get a completely bare bikini wax then your "little miss thang" gets blinged out! You can get a preset design or for some extra bucks, a custom design. From a little star to a bikini completely made out of glued on crystals, your vagaygay gets accessorized and ready for ...uh..I dunno.

Now I know what you are saying, well if I'm single, whom will get to see it? Well you are missing the point, its can be your own naughty secret! or if you are into that kind of thing, make a great picture to drunk send to someone you like. As unlady-like as the latter is, I feel it may show a creative side of yourself that someone you've been getting close too had not seen.

If you are married or dating someone, Vajazzling can be a great present you both can share. Granted, you are the one whose poontang is risking a rash or walking unconfortably but, come women, we've endured more pain than that for the sake of pleasing out significant others and ourselves. in NYC in Miami

google Vajazzling in your city to find a location that does it!

PS - please don't send me pics. LOL...but I'm more then willing to hear about the experience!

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